How Fast Can Hippos Run

Hippos are called Hippopotamus amphibious scientifically. Hippos live semi-aquatic life and are mostly present in Saharan Africa. They are actually the most large land animals over the globe. Their weight may lie between 1500 kilograms to 3200 kilograms. Along with the weight we can also discuss about how fast are hippos? If we talk about their body structure, the shape of their body is a barrel with short legs and a large and massive head having long and sharp teeth.  Below you can easily find detailed information regarding Hippos and their speed on land and underwater. So keep reading this article in this regard.

How Fast Can Hippos Run?

Hippos are the most dangerous and aggressive land animals in Africa especially when they are threatened and territorial. No doubt hippos run extremely fast instead of their weight strength, size, and heavy physic. The users who are curious about how fast do hippos run? can read the answer. You are just really surprised that they run with the speed of 20 to 30 miles per hour, 30 to 50 km per hour. They are very fragile and can swim in water at the speed of 5 to 8 miles per hour. There may be several reasons for their running, they run very fast when they feel threat, and they also run when they try to protect their young once, hippos can also run for matting purposes or they might run for territorial defense.

How Fast Can Hippos Run

Why Might a Hippo Decide to Run?

Hippos can run due to some specific reasons such as natural behaviors or threats. Here are some specific reasons which are mentioned below.

  • When they perceive a threat
  • For territorial defense
  • To protect their young

When They Perceive Threat:

Hippos are known for their aggressive and dangerous nature. They are also well known for their aggressive behavior of animals on land. When they feel or perceive any kind of danger or threat, they run extremely fast.

For Territorial Defense:

Hippos are territorial animals. They may get aggressive while protecting or defending their territory. If another animal enters their territory they become aggressive starts chasing and which may involve running. If any viral hippo enters their territory, it may charge and be aggressive which includes running.

To protect their young:

In order to protect their young calf, or if the female hippos feel any danger or threat, they become aggressive and charge and start running.

How Fast Are Hippos in Water?

You are just surprised to know how fast hippos can run underwater. Hippos are considered the most dangerous and aggressive animals in Africa. But they are very brilliant swimmers and move like a fish under the water. The weight of adult hippos may lie between 1300 kilograms to 1500 kilograms. But despite their weight, they just move like fish surprisingly underwater. They are also very fragile and able to run like swimming under the water. Hippos can run under the water with a speed of 5 to 8 miles per hour or 8 to 13 kilometers per hour. They are semi-aquatic animals and submerge their body most of the time into water.

Are Hippos Dangerous

They mostly feed themselves on aquatic vegetation and grasses. They are highly dangerous and aggressive animals in Africa.  Hippos do not have sweat glands that’s why they spend most of their time in water in order to maintain their body temperature. In order to protect their skin from the sun they usually submerge their body into water most of the time in rivers and lacks. Their bodies have no sweat glands that’s why they regulate their body temperature by submerging their body into water most of the time.

Final Words

Exploring the answer to are hippos fast? reveals that they can reach impressive speeds both in the water and on land. The hippos are semi-aquatic and massive animals huge in weight and size.  It is one of the most dangerous and aggressive land animals in Africa. The weight of adult hippos may lie between 1500 kilograms and 3200 kilograms.

They submerge their bodies into the water most of the day in order to regulate their body temperature because they have no sweat glands. Hippos can run under the water with a speed of 5 to 8 miles per hour or 8 to 13 kilometers per hour. They run on land with a speed of 20 to miles per hour. When they feel any kind of threat or danger they become charged and start running.

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